Sunday, August 21, 2011

If its not Scottish...

If you google "origin of golf" you'll see that there is in fact some debate as to where the game of golf originated. Some argue that a game similar to it was played in the Netherlands or even in China as early as the 1200s! However, a spokesman for the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, said "Stick and ball games have been around for many centuries, but golf as we know it today, played over 18 holes, clearly originated in Scotland." (Source: Based on the fact that there are references to golf in Scottish parliament from as early as the 1400s, I believe him! I'm sure that my Scottish heritage has not created a bias at all.

And so when one has two weeks off in the middle of the summer golf season in the North East of the USA with 90 - 100 degree heat, what else would you want to do than turn the temperature down a notch (to around 60) with a trip to Scotland for golf! So here I am in Scotland - our hotel last night was only about a mile down the road from the local municipal course which looks like a challenge all on its own, but we're here to P-L-A-Y and that's what we're doing. We have 3 rounds booked - all on courses where the British Open has been played. We are hoping for a 4th round at St. Andrews but will have to wait for lottery results tomorrow to find out whether this is going to happen! I'm ready to be humbled by the game... stay tuned for details...

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